Thickeners and stabilizers

Thickeners are used to increase a viscosity of liquids in the product. Stabilizers distributes the substances evenly in the product, stabilize and strengthens its properties. Daugiau Thickeners are used to increase a viscosity of liquids in the product. Stabilizers distributes the substances evenly in the product, stabilize and strengthens its properties.

CAS number: 9000-30-0

This is polisaccharide of vegetable origin (E412), which is produced from seeds of guar bush. Mainly is used as thickener and stabilizer.

CAS number: 9005-80-5

This is powdered, natural functional raw material, obtained from chicory roots. In the composition of inulin is high content of soluble fibers. This product has a good prebiotic and dietary properties and is one of most effective measure of restoring normal microflora of intestine. Inulin is used as thickener and stabilizer, natural sugar replacer.

CAS number: 9050-36-6

This is powdered polisaccharide, which is produced from vegatable starch. Maltodextrin is used as thickener, which improves texture and properties of taste. In sports drinks maltodextrin is used as source of high concentration carbohdrates.

CAS number: 11138-66-2

This is polisaccharide, which is produced during fermentation process of sugars and starches. Mainly is used as thickener and stabilizer (E415).