CAS number: 59-51-8
This is 99% powdered essential amino acid, which can’t be synthesized in organism and must be obtained through the feed. This amino acid it’s very important for a metabolism processes of animal, as well for a synthesis of proteins, enzymes, hormones and vitamins.
CAS number: 657-27-2
This is 98,5% powdered essential amino acid, which can’t be synthesized in organism and must be obtained through the feed. This amino acid it’s a very important for a synthesis of nucleic acids, metabolism of carbohydrates and production of antibodies, hormones and enzymes in the organism of animal.
CAS number: 60343-69-3
This is 70% powdered essential amino acid, which can’t be synthesized in organism and must be obtained through the feed. This amino acid it’s a very important for a synthesis of nucleic acids, metabolism of carbohydrates and production of antibodies, hormones and enzymes in the organism of animal.
CAS number: 72-19-5
This is 98,5% powdered essential amino acid, which can’t be synthesized in organism and must be obtained through the feed. This amino acid it’s important for a sceletal muscle growth of animal and it’s a component of immunoproteins and enzymes.
CAS number: 73-22-3
This is 99% powdered essential amino acid, which can’t be synthesized in organism and must be obtained through the feed. This amino acid participate in the synthesis of serotonine and it’s important for a metabolism processes of animal.