On demand we could offer another B group vitamins (B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B12), vitamin H as well.
CAS number: 67-48-1
This is 60% powdered vitamin, which is produced using corn basis. There is no GMO in the composition. This vitamin it’s important for a metabolism of fats, helps for a synthesis of Methionine and supports physiologic functions of animal.
CAS number: 127-47-9
This is powdered, soluble in fats vitamin. Not soluble in water. This vitamin is important for a normal growth of animal, for a regenaration processes and for a immune function of organism.
CAS number: 50-81-7
This is 99% powdered, soluble in water vitamin. This vitamin has a antioxidant properties, stimulates immune system and increase resistence of the animal to the stress factors.
CAS number: 67-97-0
This is powdered, soluble in fats vitamin. This vitamin is important for a bone formation and growth of animals, for a quantity and quality of eggs and for a meat quality of animals.
CAS number: 2/9/1959
This is 50% powdered vitamin, which is soluble in water and in fats. This vitamin is important for a immune system of animal and has a antioxidant properties as well.