
Substances, which add color to beverages or revitalize them. Naturall colorants are commonly used in beverages. Daugiau Substances, which add color to beverages or revitalize them. Naturall colorants are commonly used in beverages.

CAS number: 11029-12-2

Natural colorants (E163), which are obtained from various fruits and beries. Provides a color palette from light red to dark purple. These colorants are resistant to heat, light and changes of pH.

CAS number: 8028-89-5

Natural colorant (E150), which is produced during caramelisation process of sugar. Gives a variety of shades of brown color. Caramel is resistant to heat, light and changes of pH.

CAS number: 7488-99-5

Natural colorants (E160), which are obtained from various fruits and beries. Provides a color palette from yellow to orange. These colorants are resistant to heat, light and changes of pH.